Testimonials from my clients:

"On my first visit to Birgit I was dealing with several health problems since many years, among it chronic sinusitis. I did not know what to expect from her natural  & holistic approach. Over the span of several consultations she did not only cured my issues, but set me also on the path of a more healthy lifestyle.

With her help I was able to ultimately overcome some long lasting addictions by transforming my awareness about food, water & movement.


Now, almost 2 years after my last consultancy, I still have a vibrant health and didn’t visit any doctors ever since. Many gratitude I have for Birgit  and recommend her to anybody who want to set course towards a healthy & natural life. "Louis deC., 39y., Writer, from Belgium



Schuessler Cell/Tissue Salts.


I had a few sessions with Birgit before I committed to working with her regularly over a period of almost 9 months.

I was quickly impressed with her healing abilitie.


When I started chemo in Nov 2014, I began a series of consultations with her. She tested me for the Schuessler cell/tissue salts every week.

Our sessions included Back Flower remedies, advice on nutrition, and guidance on ‘complementary’ practices which would help support the immune system.

She also offered suggestions on how to deal with other challenges chemo brings.


I had practically no side effect from the chemotherapy, and 6 months later was given the all clear.

This was extraordinary after a diagnosis of stage 4 advanced and aggressive colon cancer. I was given no hope by the oncologist.

I greatly appreciated Birgit’s manner of ‘treating’ me. It was always respectful, never pushy, always positive, and I felt her understanding of wellness and illness was profound.

Like her dog, she has helped me come back from an unlikely future.


Birgit is highly intuitive, wise, kind, and extraordinarily gifted in her healing work with human beings and animals.

Meg R., 64y., artist, from UK



Birgit Niehaus treated me whilst I recovered from a broken ankle earlier this year.

When the plaster had been taken off, my lower leg and ankle had very bad inflammation but the treatment I received each week form Birgit was so beneficial, that my ankle and leg made a full recovery in a very short time.

With sincere gratitude

Heather, from UK


I have been lucky enough to have several treatments from my  Birgit. Her Dorn massage is gentle but very effective.

Birgit has recently helped me before and after a hip replacement operation. I can  certainly recommend her to you.

Ann P., Headteacher, from UK