Immune system regulation

- Adults and children -
Does your immune system constantly throw a spanner in the works and do you suffer from recurring infections? - Sinus infections, bladder infections, vaginal fungi keep bothering you?

Reasons for a weakened immune system can be:
- unbalanced diet
- Deficiency of minerals, vitamins and trace elements
- Medication or stimulants
- little exercise and fresh air
- little, irregular or poor sleep
- a crowded and rushed daily routine, unbalanced phases of tension and relaxation

and one can also think of the following aspects
- a disturbed intestinal flora
- Weakness in the excretion of liver, kidneys, lymph or skin
- Hormonal influences (pill, hormonal IUD, hormone replacement therapy, for example) or other hormonal imbalances
- Allergies or intolerances
- Psychological problems
- Chronic inflammations, scars or heavy metal exposure

Which of these aspects apply to you is something we need to find out together and develop a holistic therapy concept to try to have a positive influence on your immune system. I will be happy to advise you on the subject of the immune system in my practice.